Areas of expertise: Assisting technology driven businesses 1) learn about and secure innovation funding, and, employment/training funding, and, 2) grow revenues by working with clients to prepare execution ready business, marketing and sales plans – supported by market/competitor/customer research.
Current role: Owner, Strategic Timelines Inc.
Over the last 34 years, Eileen Ashmore, MBA, CMC of Strategic Timelines Inc. has provided business strategy development, business planning, marketing strategy development, marketing / sales planning, business coaching, market research, customer research, competitor research and feasibility study consulting services – and, most recently since 2011, consulting services to assist technology driven businesses learn about and secure innovation funding. Over 300+ client projects have been completed for manufacturing, professional services, engineering, technology & technical firms. When it comes to assisting technology driven businesses learn about and secure innovation funding, millions of dollars have been secure over the last 11 years.
Today, with the rapid growth of the technology sector, Strategic Timelines Inc. works exclusively with technology driven businesses to assist technology driven businesses learn about the innovation funding landscape and secure innovation funding. Preparing winning innovation funding submissions, and, the required supporting documents is competitive. Eileen recognizes that the key to successfully securing innovation funding is assuring each funder of future success where new employees are hired, and the company grows and contributes to the provincial and/or federal economy. She knows funders are looking for management capability, financial capacity, proof of market demand and potential, and, more broadly, growth in the innovation sector with economic and public benefits for all.
Eileen’s comprehensive approach significantly increases the likelihood of securing grant funding.