What Is Social Innovation? The University of Calgary’s New Definition Sets the Stage

Social Innovation

Social innovation. It sounds exciting, but what does it actually mean? 

At the University of Calgary, it’s a term that’s been given a fresh, thoughtful definition–one that sets the stage for transformative change. The goal? To create a shared understanding that brings people together to tackle societal challenges with clarity, purpose, and collaboration. 

And so, how exactly does the university define social innovation? 

Their definition is as follows: 

“The intentional implementation of a transdisciplinary initiative to address a social challenge enabled through collaborative action, leading to new or improved capabilities and relationships with community. This approach aims to generate evidence-informed, more effective, efficient, just, and sustainable solutions.”

That’s quite the definition. It’s one that Joanne Nowak, senior innovation manager at the Social Innovation Hub (SIH), is excited about. This definition will shape the work being done at the SIH and strengthen the broader social innovation ecosystem. 

Joanne described the process behind crafting this definition, led by Dr. Karen Benzies, PhD, director of the university’s Social Innovation Initiative, as a masterclass in campus collaboration. Dr. Benzies and her team worked extensively with stakeholders across campus, ensuring that diverse perspectives were included. 

By situating the definition in a post-secondary context and grounding it in extensive research, the team created a rigorous and actionable framework. Joanne noted that this foundation is essential for driving measurable impact in the evolving field of social innovation. 

Why Now? 

With a growing interest in social innovation, this definition arrives at just the right time. Joanne explained that it strikes a balance–providing clear parameters while remaining inclusive and accessible. It serves as a “north star,” helping individuals and organizations see how their work fits into a larger vision. 

This clarity opens doors, allowing people to discover resources, connect with others, and feel like part of a larger movement. At the same time, having a clear definition is the first critical step in measuring progress. “What matters is what gets measured,” as Joanne pointed out. With this foundation, the campus ecosystem can begin tracking the impact of its efforts, ensuring continuous improvement and accountability. 

From Theory to Action 

The SIH is eager to bring this definition to life through real-world success stories. “This isn’t just theory,” Joanne emphasized. “We’re excited to support founders in turning this definition into action, showcasing what it looks like when social innovation principles are applied to solve real challenges.” 

This new definition is more than a guide–it’s a rallying point for collaboration, action, and growth. By creating a shared understanding, the university has laid the foundation for transformative change. And at the Social Innovation Hub, the team is ready to empower founders and innovators to make a lasting impact.