1. What is your innovation story?
In 2015, a chapter of Tikkun Olam Makers in Calgary was founded to bring engineers, designers, and people living with disabilities to develop extremely affordable assistive technology solutions. Witnessing the power of innovative communities when focused on addressing specific challenges, Kadima Dynamics was founded to adapt the model proven for assistive technology development to innovate for other underserved communities.
2. Do you follow a sustainable development agenda (for people, planet and prosperity) in your company/business?
By working to build resilient technology communities, Kadima Dynamics aims to empower citizens with skills needed to succeed in the 21st century. We therefore aim to address the challenge of growing wealth inequality. Focusing on reskilling adults, instead of educating children, reduces the delay of our impact, which we believe is critical at this rapidly changing period in history.
3. If your enterprise could have a global application, what is your vision for transforming the planet?
While we are focusing on Calgary right now, we believe that we can export the mentality of technology as a lasting form of prosperity for those who develop it.
Learn more about how Tikkun Olam Makers and Kadima Dynamics are creating an impact!
Come visit them September 14 at TECHSTOCK 2017