1. What is your innovation story?
We have created a device that answers the age-old question: “Did I leave the stove on?” The iGuardStove is a motion sensor controlled Automatic Stove Shut Off Device with WiFi connectivity. Everyone’s lifestyles these days are very distracting, and approx. 70% of all home fires are due to unattended or forgotten cooking. Our innovation lies in the ability for our unit to report shutoff events and other monitoring and alarm data for an operating stove/range via WiFi out to the world in the form or text or e-mail alerts (or both). Our system also has many Home Care/ Independent living features that allow loved ones to stay safe and independent in their homes longer and at a lower cost than supported living facilities can charge.
2. Do you follow a sustainable development agenda (for people, planet and prosperity) in your company / business?
Our agenda is to both provide another element in home and personal safety, and help prolong the ability for people to live at home independently, thereby reducing the burden on full care facilities for the aging population. “Aging in place” is the new axiom for people living independently in their homes for longer, and we believe the iGuardStove device truly assists in that endeavour.
3. If your enterprise could have a global application, what is your vision for transforming the planet?
We believe the iGuardStove already has global application, and we are growing our business in North America first to eventually reach that goal. It is our vision that this product will become as popular as the microwave did, for example. The fact that iGuardStove is a product offering peace of mind, and helping to extend independent living are just two facets of how it has a universal application. We are definitely working to transform the planet — one stove at a time.
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