What’s in IP for me?

Social Innovation
02 May 2024

Intellectual Property (IP) is a buzzword we hear all the time as business owners, but what does it mean, how does it apply to your specific business? In this workshop, you’ll get a basic overview of what IP is and how to embed IP strategies in your impact-driven business. You’ll leave with an understanding of IP and tools to connect with Elevate IP to further develop IP strategies and deepen relationships with industry professionals.

As a part of registration, please tell us the biggest IP problems/questions you are facing in your business and we will tailor the workshop to address those needs.


About the speaker:

David Cree has 25+ years of experience as a Sales & Marketing Owner and Executive. He has a long history of leading teams in marketing, business development, and sales. He has also been active in social justice, locally and abroad; running several poverty aid missions. David actively engages in the community, including mentoring entrepreneurs and speaking at events. His initial spark of inspiration for CMNGD (COMMONGOOD) came during a leadership program, where he was homeless for a day, this forever changed his outlook, and led to the company that exists today.